Feel the real for more vitality and intimacy on a needs basis

Feelings are an energy in motion, rather than letters forming words on a list. Feelings, as we all know, are the cue to our most alive need that is calling for our attention and maybe even for some creative action.
What to do, if we have learned to numb feelings, wallow in them, judge them positive and negative or act them out rather than harvesting what they point us to and make life more beautiful?
In this workshop we will explore our relationship with the rainbow of feelings, so that you can be more honest and intimate with yourself and others and gain greater access to the beauty of your needs. We will do individual research, in pairs and small groups and always meet for harvesting in circle.
[Workshop organised in frame of Time for Empathy 2021]


When: 9 March 2021, 9:45-11:15 CET (Berlin time)
Language: English
Cost: FREE


Registration closed


About the trainer:
Anett ZupkeAnnett Zupke
Annett is a CNVC Certified Trainer for Nonviolent Communication with a passion for reclaiming vulnerability and fully expressing it, huge curiosity around conflict and how to move the energy of conflict into deeper connections based on mutual understanding. In Germany, she has done some pioneer work in using Restorative Justice in cases of severe violence. One inspiring document of her contribution can be seen in the award winning documentary “The worst thing” by Desireena Almoradie where a U.S. American Woman, whose brother had been killed by a group of German terrorists,  comes to Germany to seek dialogue with former members of this group.
Website: http://annett-zupke.de/

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