Becoming What You Need: Practices for Embodying Nonviolent Communication – David Weinstock

Loving the life you lead begins with knowing deeply what you care about. This is where embodying Nonviolent Communication practices begin to produce lasting change over the long term. To live more fully in relationships, we must live more fully in our own bodies. Coming home to our bodies puts us in touch with our emotions, and our emotions — when consciously listened to — tell us what we care about, what we need, and the present, direct, immediate experience of the life we are living. This is where we come face to face with the history we’ve embodied, our deeper selves, our greatest gifts, and the motivation to stay on the course of developing new, more skillful, inclusive responses to life’s challenges.  


[Workshop organised in the frame of Time for Empathy 2024]
When: 9 March 2024, 20:00-21:30 CET (Berlin time)
Most of the workshops during “Time for Empathy” are not recorded, so the only possibility to participate is to join the session. The sessions that will be recorded, we will make available to others if the quality is satisfying. We may also use parts of the recording for marketing and publicity across various media. If you do not wish to be recorded, switch off your camera and microphone for the whole duration of the session.
Language: English
Cost: FREE
To take part in this workshop, register for the “Time for Empathy” event here:
NOTE: Register only ONCE for the whole event and receive access to all “Time for Empathy” workshops organised between 3 and 10 March 2024.
About the trainer:
David Weinstock Time for EmpathyDavid Weinstock
David Weinstock is an acclaimed international trainer of Nonviolent Communication, Somatic Coach, Aikido instructor, master goldsmith, and musician. David and his wife Judith, along with 8 other families, co-founded a consensus, NVC-based intentional community in the Puget Sound region of the Northwest US where they have raised their family since 1990. Community living, along with his varied disciplines provides the foundation for the work David founded, Somatic Consensus.  He leads training in his community, schools, prisons, organizations, and businesses around the world.
David’s activism, particularly his organization, Liminal Somatics, focuses on building and sharing practices for reclaiming Community as essential for creating a more nurturing world for generations to come. Website:




CET (Berlin time)
20:00 - 21:30

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: 2024-03-09
  • Time: 14:00 - 15:30

More Info

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In English


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