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Connection – The Needs’ Year (Week 30)

Connection – The Needs’ Year (Week 30)

He had been grumpy all week. It didn't matter if it was during the community meetings, when we were playing volleyball or during meals. Not a smile crossed his lips. What was wrong with him? My judgments about one of the participants at the European NVC Summer...

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Touch – The Needs’ Year (Week 29)

Touch – The Needs’ Year (Week 29)

For ten years, from the time I was about seven, I don’t recall many memories of physical closeness to others. I remember a sweaty wrestling game with my friends when I turned ten. I have sweet memories of being close to the girl I was in love with when I was 14, when...

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Joy – The Needs’ Year (Week 28)

Joy – The Needs’ Year (Week 28)

The first memory that comes to mind when I think about the need for joy is from a small party over 10 years ago with my friends. We are in a house outside Stockholm. We have had dinner together and some have drunk wine. It's late and one of us has picked up the...

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Competence – The Needs’ Year (Week 26)

Competence – The Needs’ Year (Week 26)

A month ago I organised and hosted an NVC online event. 25 participants from many different countries and time zones were gathered and eagerly waiting for the NVC trainer to start the course. We all saw his frozen picture on the screen while he tried in vain to get...

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Hope – The Needs’ Year (Week 25)

Hope – The Needs’ Year (Week 25)

Later today I will go out and run for the 672nd day in a row. I don’t always find it joyful to go for a run. For a couple of days I have had some pain in my left calf. Sometimes the rain is pouring down. During the winter it’s dark, cold and icy - or even worse -...

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Support – The Needs’ Year (Week 24)

Support – The Needs’ Year (Week 24)

"Has no one seen anything?!". In disbelief, I stare at the place where I parked my bike. It's gone! No one on the outdoor terrace seems to have noticed anything. No one answers. For a couple of minutes I'm in shock and my head is empty. In this state I make a live...

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Ease – The Needs’ Year (Week 23)

Ease – The Needs’ Year (Week 23)

I had 1 hour and 45 minutes until the office closed. If I succeeded, I would save 8000 Swedish crowns (about 800 EUR) by avoiding one month rent for one apartment. My initial thought was that it wasn’t possible. I would need to talk to at least three officials in...

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Subsistence – The Needs’ Year (Week 22)

Subsistence – The Needs’ Year (Week 22)

The sun was high in the sky. It was the end of June and one of the hottest days of the summer. I walked at a steady pace. My fellow competitors and I breathed in the dust from the dry gravel road that swirled in the air. We walked past meadows and open fields. Along...

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Belonging – The Needs’ Year (Week 21)

Belonging – The Needs’ Year (Week 21)

I'm standing in the doorway to my room. I see that in the kitchen there are some people involved in a lively conversation. They laugh and enjoy each other's company. I’m aware that at this moment I am not part of the circle of community, I am just an observer. And...

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Cooperation – The Needs’ Year (Week 20)

Cooperation – The Needs’ Year (Week 20)

After the young man broke the door open using the crowbar, me and Anni carried the table into the apartment. Then a couple came carrying a mattress and behind them a person with a chair. While the adrenaline was still pulsating in my veins, someone put a new lock on...

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Honesty – The Needs’ Year (Week 19)

Honesty – The Needs’ Year (Week 19)

"Maybe I should say he hurt me when he went to that NVC trainer instead of me? Or maybe I should say he has to talk to me before he talks to anyone else?” During a workshop at one of my first NVC festivals, two people had a conflict. One party of the conflict suddenly...

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