Anger, fear and nonviolence
Join this exploration of nonviolent resistance to war.
What does it look like?
What will move the world towards peace – with peaceful means?
[Workshop organised in frame of Time for Empathy 2022]
When: 12 March 2022, 11:30-13:00 CET (Berlin time)
Language: English
Cost: FREE
To take part in this workshop, register to the “Time for Empathy” event here: https://www.empathiceurope.com/time-for-empathy/
Note: Register only ONCE and receive access to all “Time for Empathy” workshops organised from 7 to 13 March.
Watch the invitation to this workshop:
About the trainer:
Kirsten Kristensen
Kirsten is a family therapist, mediator and certified trainer with the Center for Nonviolent Communication, through which she has led Nonviolent Communication trainings in Europe, Asia and the Americas. For 25 years, Kirsten has devoted her working life to supporting others in personal development. Her passion is to contribute to the personal development and healing that enables people to move closer to conflicts and to grow the relational competencies that support social change work. She enjoys working with body, mind and energy consciousness that leads to connection beyond words. People who experience Kirsten’s training and facilitation often express enjoyment of how she models what she teaches with a drizzle of humor.
Links from Kirsten:
– Website: www.kirstenkristensen.com
- – Harvest the fruit of your own and other’s anger. Part 1: https://www.empathiceurope.com/events/harvest-the-fruit-of-your-own-and-others-anger/
– https://livkom.dk/kurser-ivk-girafsprog/nvc-training-pod-3rd-group/
– Summerfestival in Denmark: https://livkom.dk/kurser-ivk-girafsprog/ivk-sommerfestival-2022/
– Kirsten’s Website with Videos: https://kommunikationforlivet.dk/videos-about-nonviolent-communication/?lang=en
– Fundraiser Ukraine: gofund.me/dbdba845
- – IIT in Finland: https://www.cnvc.org/2022-Finland-IIT