Dyad Meditations
The deep inquiry in how our needs live in us may open doors to the whole experience of being here in this world.
During our sessions of Dyad Meditations we would like to make a safe space for you to connect to your needs, savour them and let your aliveness be seen and held.
Simone Anliker, the creator of the Dyad Inquiry Project, describes the sessions as following: “The Dyad meditation itself creates a sacred space by two people being present with and to each other. This powerful 40 minute practice in pairs has a specific structure that supports people to connect directly with their own divinity and inner wisdom, while sharing this with their partner in the process.”
Some of us learned this practice from Sylvie Horning, CNVC trainer and assessor, who during the last two editions of Time for Empathy held this sacred space for us. This year we are not sure if, or how often, Sylvie will be with us, at the same time we would still love to share with you our experience of connecting to our aliveness via Dyad Meditations.
We are offering 7 sessions and you can choose to participate in as many as you wish, depending on your possibilities.
If you would like to see how it looks like and learn more about Dyad Meditations we recommend watching this video from the session held by Robert Gonzales, CNVC trainer and co-founder of the Global Dyad Meditation Project:
[Workshop organised in frame of Time for Empathy 2021]
8-12 March 2021, 7:30-8:30 CET (Berlin time)
13-14 March 2021, 8:30-9:30 CET (Berlin time)
Language: English
Cost: FREE
Registration closed