Radical Responsibility Joachim Berggren

Radical Responsibility

One of the first things we learn when being introduced to NVC is to take responsibility for our feelings by connecting them to our needs. During my years as an NVC practitioner, I have noticed that this is easier said than done. 
Both me, and the NVC practitioners I have been in contact with, are quite skilled at expressing responsibility verbally through the NVC formula “I feel… because I need…”
But… not always it is received in the way we want. People seem to be defensive or go on the attack. Or they might withdraw. It seems like they doubt our intentions. And I guess they are right. Often it seems that the person practicing NVC has thoughts like “If only you would change…”, “If only you could see it from my perspective, then…”. No wonder they get suspicious when our body language communicates this. 
In this workshop, you get the chance to take radical responsibility for your inner life in role-playing settings. When our inner state and our external words are congruent, people will trust us. Bring your own examples, or play the counterpart, or be a coach or observer. With guidelines you have the opportunity to switch between honesty, empathy and self-empathy.
“What others do may be the stimulus of our feelings, but never the cause.”
Marshall B. Rosenberg
[Workshop organised in frame of Time for Empathy 2022]


When: 8 March 2022, 16:30-18:00 CET (Berlin time)
Language: English
Cost: FREE


To take part in this workshop, register to the “Time for Empathy” event here: https://www.empathiceurope.com/time-for-empathy/
Note: Register only ONCE and receive access to all “Time for Empathy” workshops organised from 7 to 13 March.
About the trainer:
Time for Empathy International project Empathic Way Europe Partners Joachim BerggrenJoachim Berggren
I am Certified CNVC Trainer and communication consultant. I work with groups and individuals who wants to be able to communicate better and building sustainable connections in their family, with their friends, at their workplace and in the bigger community. I am offering lectures, workshops, mediation and individual training both for individuals and for organizations.
Website: www.empathiceurope.com

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