The Language of Resonance – free webinar
The Path to Deep (Self) Connection
A webinar with Paulina Orbitowska-Fernandez
CNVC Certified Trainer
19 April 2022 at 18:00 CEST
Are you wondering what Resonant Language and Resonant Healing are?
Would you love to find a way to deeply connect to yourself and other people?
Are your eyes sparkling when you hear about a combination of NVC, neurobiology and warmth?
Join this free webinar and learn about Resonant Language that serves Resonant Healing developed by Sarah Peyton.
19 April 2022 at 18:00-19:00 (CEST/Berlin time)
Register for free HERE!
We will send you the link to the meeting immediately after you confirm the registration, so please, check your Spam or OFFERS/PROMOTIONS folder!
We plan to record this event and make it available to other people, if the quality is satisfying. We may also use the recording for marketing and publicity across a range of media. If you do not wish to be recorded, then switch off your camera and microphone for the whole duration of the session.
About the trainer
Paulina Orbitowska-Fernandez
I am a coach, mediator, certified NVC trainer and an academic teacher. I have been learning from Sarah Peyton since 2017. In 2018, I became a Facilitator of Systemic Transformation through NVC, Neurobiology, and 3-D Mapping. In 2021, I completed her first certification program Resonant Healing Practitioner.