Beauty – The Needs’ Year (Week 44)
I stood speechless in awe for several minutes. The impressions flooded my senses and I enjoyed the splendour of the bright colours. Like so many times before, it was like I couldn’t get enough. Right then, all thoughts disappeared from my head. I was enjoying...
Movement – The Needs’ Year (Week 43)
I have just increased the weight of the barbell to over 100 kilos. I notice that the body is in tension for the coming weight. Right now, the thought of doing four repetitions of the deadlift doesn’t feel particularly joyful. Knowing that I wouldn’t be...
Effectiveness – The Needs’ Year (Week 42)
I walk a few steps to get the oxygen flowing in my veins and get another cup of coffee. Then I sit down at the coffee table and continue writing. It goes fast and I’m enjoying myself. Various reflections pop up in my head at the same time as I effortlessly formulate...
Celebration – The Needs’ Year (Week 41)
I was on stage with my children. Behind us stood the punk karaoke band “Jerka Kay and the Copycats”. The band started to play “602” by the classic Swedish punk band KSMB. We screamed along to the lyrics and danced on the stage. Below in the audience were...
Communication – The Needs’ Year (Week 39)
The break was over and not a single participant was back in the working room. I was an assistant at an NVC workshop and I impatiently looked at the watch and wanted to continue the course. After a short while, I stood in the doorway and whistled. Immediately people...
Contribution – The Needs’ Year (Week 38)
About ten years ago I was an assistant during a Nonviolent Communication course for the first time. I spent a weekend in Tollare Folkhögskola (a school for grown-ups) with my teacher Kay Rung. It was fun, exciting and a great experience. While I could contribute in...
Inspiration – The Needs’ Year (Week 37)
The day before yesterday I got married! After the wedding ceremony and partying all night I was dead tired. All of Sunday was spent eating leftovers and resting. Visiting party guests came over for brunch while waiting for buses and trains back home. Later I took a...
Fairness – The Needs’ Year (Week 36)
During my first year-long training course in Nonviolent Communication (NVC), all participants went through a social experiment. During one of our lunches, we were divided into three groups. The biggest group received a simple meal consisting of rice and beans. I was...