Dignity – The Needs’ Year (Week 14)

Dignity – The Needs’ Year (Week 14)

“Damn it, Jocke! You’re the best friend I have. I love you!” My friend was very drunk and I was a sober person during that period of my life. I felt embarrassed and mumbled something in response, trying to avoid the discomfort. He obviously wanted contact...
Meaning – The Needs’ Year (Week 13)

Meaning – The Needs’ Year (Week 13)

A few years ago, I rented a working space with some other people for a while. Once a month I gave an introductory lecture to NVC. Each time there was a varied number of participants, sometimes as many as 20 people. At one occasion, only a single person came. After a...
Harmony – The Needs’ Year (Week 12)

Harmony – The Needs’ Year (Week 12)

An association that comes to mind when I think of the need for harmony is a Buddhist monk sitting in silent meditation up in a mountain monastery. The wind is blowing, everything is still, all movements are slow. Life seems calm, simple and predictable. The lack of...
Trust – The Needs’ Year (Week 11)

Trust – The Needs’ Year (Week 11)

“We will compensate for the damage!” The words came out of me without a second thought. I was one of the organisers of last year’s European NVC Summer Festival and a few of the children had gone berserk. An armchair was destroyed. The pool table was...
Mourning – The Needs’ Year (Week 10)

Mourning – The Needs’ Year (Week 10)

A few weeks ago I heard that one of my oldest friends had died because of a stroke. At first I became mute and cold. We shared our time intensely for a few years during the second half of the 80’s. After that, we didn’t meet often, but occasionally, with a few...
Safety – The Needs’ Year (Week 9)

Safety – The Needs’ Year (Week 9)

I am writing this blog post on Monday 28 February 2022. I’m sitting in my living room in my apartment in Tensta, a northern suburb in Stockholm, Sweden. Opposite me sits Magda writing something on her computer. Outside the window the sun is shining. It is a few...
Integrity – The Needs’ Year (Week 8)

Integrity – The Needs’ Year (Week 8)

“What are you doing? The finishing line is here!” Kay shouted and gestured which track I should take. I had just covered 40 km on cross-country skis, but instead of crossing the finishing line, I took an extra lap in the stadium. The ski race went three laps and...
Mutuality – The Needs’ Year (Week 7)

Mutuality – The Needs’ Year (Week 7)

The importance of mutuality “Ha, ha, ha… You will look back at this moment and see the humour in it all.” I had just shared something vulnerable and my friend was laughing. It is possible that he was right. Maybe, sometime in the future, I will look at...
Growth – The Needs’ Year (Week 5)

Growth – The Needs’ Year (Week 5)

Bodily awareness I neither remember what kind of exercise, nor what kind of need it was. What I remember is the sudden revelation that I can fulfil my needs not just by what others or I am doing for me – I can also choose to do something for others. By...
Creativity – The Needs’ Year (Week 4)

Creativity – The Needs’ Year (Week 4)

Starting this project This blog post and this project – the Needs’ Year – is an expression of my own creativity. I’ve had the idea of ​​the Needs’ Year for about six months. Sometimes I am very quick in turning ideas into action, but this time I was...

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