Rest – The Needs’ Year (Week 3)

Rest – The Needs’ Year (Week 3)

Rain and exhaustion “Fucking hell!” I had just got my third flat tyre in less than 24 hours. It was raining and I sought shelter under a pedestrian bridge along the river Schelde just outside Gent, Belgium. I was soaking wet and even though it was not so...
Community – The Needs’ Year (Week 2)

Community – The Needs’ Year (Week 2)

My life in community “Who in the collective house would you most like to eat?” We were sitting around one of the tables in the dining hall engaged in a conversation. We stuck to the adult community members and most of us chose one of the young women from...
Acceptance – The Needs’ Year (Week 1)

Acceptance – The Needs’ Year (Week 1)

It started with goosebumps on the forearms. Soon the whole arms began to tremble and the trembling eventually turned into shaking and spread to the shoulders and the upper body. It lasted for about 20 minutes and then began to subside. In the end, it was just like an...
Introduction to needs

Introduction to needs

Intro   In this blog post, I will mainly reflect on needs from the perspective of us humans. My thoughts about needs are based on my understanding of what Marshall B. Rosenberg – the founder of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) – has written about needs....
Our biased mind

Our biased mind

In the beginning of my NVC experience   When I started learning NVC, I was very passionate. At last, I had discovered a way to communicate where connection and the needs of everyone matter. I could both listen with empathy to what was important to others as well...
The four NVC steps in practice

The four NVC steps in practice

The four NVC steps The four steps of Nonviolent Communication (known also as four components) help us to consciously use words in order to clearly express what we want. Using the four steps increases the chance of establishing contact and mutual understanding. They...
How can anger enrich you and your relations

How can anger enrich you and your relations

For some of us anger can be seen as an information that there is something wrong with us, with others or with the whole situation. In some cultures there are different beliefs about anger or “angry people”. For example that “nice girls should not get angry” or that...
The art of listening with empathy

The art of listening with empathy

  About empathy.   Many people that I have met on my path are convinced that they have no problem with empathy. They say that they can listen patiently and then show compassion and understanding by suggesting a solution, sharing their experience or giving a...

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